Ha! Tangible Proof!

Woow.. My last post was on 16 November! A whole month without blogging! No wonder I've been weird lately.. =D.. It's not that I haven't been writing.. Just that I found out "blogging" a different experience.. How it is in some sense more an act of "venting" than anything else...


I haven't been busy with SAT's and school only, people! Along with some other stuff in the Student Council, I've been on this fundraising project, (guess I inspired myself.. lol). And it has been just GREAT! Ok, ok.. we're still on it. We actually started the campaign last year as part of the Student Council, but this year, it's only us.. Just a group of volunteers on their own, and it's a whole different experience! That mean more responsibility, but I'm loving every single part of it! What motivated us the most to relaunch the campaign was how much we enjoyed it last year, and how much help we got from everyone. I was especially awed by how, when given the opportunity, people are willing to help. We are just lazy! 

This year, we have created a Facebook page called "Yellow Ribbon Brigade". There, you can find updates, and practically everything about our vision and aim of this campaign. I guess the reason I got into this, and why I'm so excited, is in the previous posts. I have always been talking about how making that little change, such as paving the road for one car to pass, can make all the difference! And this sorta proved my theory, well not MY THEORY, but the theory of all the people who tried to make this World a better place, that theory I decided to embrace; it proved that theory true. Last year, we managed to build a class in The Gambia with the money we had raised, a class in which tens of orphans are learning in now.. How cool is THAT!  So as a 15 year old, I managed to be part of changing the life of a few people somewhere in the World! When I thought of it in this manner, I realized how easy it is to feel significant, to BE significant. And that is what I learned to think of every time I faced an obstacle along the path...

So now, we are basically collecting donations, and preparing for an epicly cool Sale. I hope all goes well.. From now on, I'll go back to my "me" posts, occasionally filling you in on what went in the campaign.. But for the real deal, visit the Facebook page in which all the committee members post.. and tell us what you think of our "YRB A-Z" or the Yellow Ribbon Brigade Dictionary!

You see, there you go... TANGIBLE PROOF.. If a little girl, from some little nowhere, can get that feeling of making a change then you can, whoever you are! Nothing big! All it takes is a little creativity and will! Becausebelieve me, you're missing out on A LOT if you don't feel you're part of the World you live in. XD

I'll be back.....soon! XP


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