People Die you know!

Let's start off with newsflash:
Vampire Diaries launched a killer fourth season,   Obama won the elections,    Harvard increased it's tuition (again!) ,   Israel bombed Gaza ,   and  the last El Classique ended in a 2-2 tie.

What were your reactions?
Let me guess:
Tell me something I don't know, Yeah, go Obama (or not..), Why are they so damn expensive?!, Aha....., Bummer..Can't Barca get good defense and stop counting on Messi only?!

Right? Right?! At least I'm close, right?!

Oooohkay... So I know I said that I'll talk about some chit-chatty topic this time, but (there's always a "but" isn't there?!) how can I possibly talk about the weather when there are people dying each day because of our unfeeling recklessness? I know this would sound a little too dramatic, but think of it...
So today I wake really early and start off a very normal weekend day in which I:

Half-heartily do the requested chores
Pretend to have some breakfast (seriously what's the use of that?! You're not even hungry in the morning! But if you don't.. u get fat.. Seriously??!)
Open my laptop and pretend.. (again with the pretending, I know) to study for my SAT's while I'm actually googling scholarships.. I know.. paradoxical
Try and jot down some ideas for enhancing the Student Council meetings to make them more productive.. and I think you get it by know
Finally do a practice test (SAT that is..)
At noon, while I'm munching on some fruit, I find my mom in front of the T.V. listening intently to our President giving  "Khutbat al-Jum'a" (or the Friday Prayer's Speech which is a ritual in Islam). I, of coarse, think "same old, same old".. And then I  hear him repeat "Gaza.. Our children in Gaza!". This when I finally carelessly ask my mom "S'up with him?" My mom's reply is "Israel is bombing Gaza.. again." And here comes the tragedy: All I say is "mhmm.."and I was almost thinking "The usual massacre, huh?"

But then I thought SERIOUSLY?!

This then made me think.. How immune have we become to basic human feelings?! EXACTLY, how USED have we become to savagery?! And then I look at the T.V. and find the Al Jazera host reporting the number of people killed as if it were the number of time his mom told him "I love you"! Ok weird comparison.. but you get it.. The only thing on that host's mind was the raise he'll get because of the amount of views the channel now has due to the "juiciness" of the newsflash. Even I, the one who claims to be an advocate of freedom and human rights have for a moment there thought "the usual.." Haven't you?! In that news flash I put, haven't you?  Really think of it.. And answer yourself honestly. (remember you don't have to be crazy enough and share this with the entire World like I am; it's only you and your conscience.. XP)

I know this may sound a little to harsh, I mean it's not like we are not going to not continue living our lives because of tragic situations. I never said that either; not to do that would be sheer stupidity, but my point is we have taken the expression "move on" a little too far. Now, we not only "move on" with our lives, we sometimes CHOOSE to neglect those "sensitive" topics just because they make us feel "uneasy". Or worse, sometimes, we really DO forget! 

You've probably seen this image A LOT, but a give it good thought now, anyway.
I usually make fun of those people on Facebook who's only comment on any picture is "Oh my God! So true!" But if any thing made me give a break to the "so true"-ers, it would be this picture, because it's SO FREAKIN' TRUE!

What really moved me was that that "mhmm.." of mine was actually referring to  a little kid dying among the victims... A little innocent child  who isn't the first nor, sadly, will be the last. A child who couldn't care less about the political, financial, or whatever reason behind that grotesque act of inhumanity. Think of what that kid could have grown to be, or what he has done to deserve this. 
My words are probably cliche to you. If you are still reading , you're probably thinking "Aha.. so what? Now what? I know all this, but what to do?!" And you're right. It is especially because we hear a lot of whining about these topics, but no solutions are offered that we end up being so negative. You can't change alone right? 
NO! Maybe "you" can't, but all of "YOU" can! It all starts with your incentives. Think of it, why are you a student/ parent/ teacher etc..? And if your answer is plain selfish change it. Children have to learn to stop dreaming to become a Doctor for the prestige and money, but rather to help make a change. And that change can be in their own way, which may start with anything...
Next time you see a beggar, don't think "Have I seen him before? Mmmm.. He's probably a fraud" but just try and give him something, anything! And know that God will reward you based on your good INTENTIONS before your actions. And then next time actually read the candidates' programs to choose one you know would at least help decrease the number of not only frauds, but also the number of beggars.

If all us have that same purpose of making the World a better place, of reaching "Global patriotism", then we will definitely not transform this World into Heaven, but make it better, just a little better. And that would make all the difference...

Until then, I'll still be here buggin' ya about whatever it is..

Peace out people!    XP    


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