Lost... and Found
Today, I cried.... Once, while I was talking to a friend about getting a Twitter account I remember she said " Twitter is like so stupid! You basically have to tweet all you do.. like you fart, you tweet 'I farted' " Now, although I told her how wrong she was, I couldn't help myself from laughing! I mean, yeah that's what most people now do, just use the social networks in shallower and shallower ways, that those networks lose the meaning they once held "to connect people". And the first sentence in my post probably gave you the same impression. XD But for a feelingless (which by the way, I know isn't a word that exists in the dictionary, yet I believe describes me perfectly that I decided to use it. It just sounds right; I mean "unfeeling", the "right"word just sounds wrong to me! Feelingless has more emotion, you know.. so the next time they ask you where you got a word you feel comfortable using from, you tell them ...